Bean 'N Pizza - Bug Revision #1

Hi there! At the request of one of the game's first players, Sparasemi456, here's the first bug revision of the game. The new version has some major bug fixes:


* Bug that made the settings of the game reset everytime a new scene was loaded.

* Bug that made the toppings float for some reason when a pizza was despawned.

* Bug that made the mushroom's disappear when spawned.

* Sound volume fixed.


* Added a text when the text chat is opened indicating that you have to press "Escape" to exit the chat.

If you encounter a new bug in the game, let me know and i'll fix it in the next revision! See ya!


Bean 'N Pizza - v.1.0.0 159 MB
May 10, 2024

Get Bean 'N Pizza - Multiplayer Pizza Game!

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